These are the folks who certify police and corrections officers in Arizona - it's my understanding that without their blessing, one cannot get a job as a peace officer in this state.
Their meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday at 10am at the AZPOST office (2643 E. University Drive Phoenix, AZ 85034), if you want to see them deliberate on the de-certification of some very bad officers - or if you have anything to say for their public comment period yourself. Looking at the composition of this board, it seems like some of the main offenders I encounter are in the employ of these folks - all we're missing are the PHX PD and the MCSO. Nevertheless, AZPOST is who I've been advised to complain to if certain officers aren't upholding their duty to the rest of us, so let's hold them accountable. Here's the page that links to their de-certification decisions, called "Integrity Bulletins".
Those of you who have been able to identify officers responsible for abuse or neglect resulting in harm to yourself or a loved one in custody should check out those archives to see if that officer was ever de-certified. Two weeks of unpaid leave for standing idly by while a young man bleeds to death, or for leaving a woman to burn alive in a cage, is a travesty of justice, and should be rectified by this board - especially if it isn't satisfactorily addressed by the officer's employer or the appropriate county prosecutor.
Perhaps if the public begins to turn out at these meetings to complain, some things will be more likely to be addressed. At the very least, they'll know we're watching them behind the scenes, too. Bring your comments for the "call to the public" in writing as well to give to the recorder who will be sure they get properly included in the minutes.
-----------------from AZPOST's website-------------
The Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board was created by an act of
the 28th Arizona legislature on July 1, 1968 as the Arizona Law Enforcement Officer
Advisory Council. The name was officially changed to its present form on July 17,
The Board was originally
created to address the need for minimum peace officer selection,
recruitment, retention and
training standards, and to provide curriculum and standards
for all certified law
enforcement training facilities. The Board was also vested
with the responsibility of
administering the Peace Officer Training Fund.
In 1984, the legislature
charged the Board with the added responsibilities of approving
a state correctional officer
training curriculum and establishing minimum standards
for state correctional
officers. Currently the Board provides services to approximately
170 law enforcement agencies
encompassing over 15,000 sworn peace officers, 9,000
correctional service
officers, and 16 academies.
The mission of the Arizona
Peace Officer Standards and Training Board is to foster
public trust and confidence
by establishing and maintaining standards of integrity,
competence, and
professionalism for Arizona peace officers and correctional officers.
Our vision is to produce and
maintain the most professional peace officers in America.
Board Members
![]() Mr Joseph Duarte Public Member Board Chairman |
The Arizona Peace Officer
Standards & Training Board was originally comprised of nine members,
appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.
The Board included two sheriffs, two chiefs of police, a college faculty
member in public administration or a related field, the state attorney
general, the director of the Department of Public Safety, and two public
members. In 1977, the statutes were revised to require one sheriff come from a county with a population exceeding 200,000 and one sheriff from a county with a population less than 200,000. Additionally, one police chief was to be from a city with a population exceeding 60,000 and one from a city with a population less than 60,000. |
In 1984, Board membership was expanded
with the addition of the director of the Arizona Department of
Corrections and an administrator of a county or municipal correctional
facility. The number of members serving on the Board rose to thirteen
in 1991, when the legislature added two additional members holding the
rank of patrol officer or sergeant. It was specified that one of the
two new members was to be from a city police agency and the other from a
sheriff's office. Today, the composition of the Board remains as established in 1991, with 13 members. |
![]() Sheriff John Armer Gila County Sheriff's Office |
![]() Dr. Scott Decker Arizona State University |
![]() Director Robert C. Halliday Arizona Department of Public Safety |
![]() The Honorable Tom Horne Arizona Attorney General |
![]() Chief Kevin Kotsur Avondale Police Department |
![]() Ms. Wendy Larsen Public Member |
-![]() Director Charles Ryan AZ Department of Corrections |
![]() Sheriff Thomas Sheahan Mohave County Sheriff's Office |
![]() Sergeant Robert Thompson Nogales Police Department |
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