The following note comes from the American Friends Service Committee in Tucson, which has been organizing the resistance to prison privatization in Arizona. Turn out for the next meeting on Monday 12/13 (see below).
The graphic to the left, by the way, was added by me, not by the AFSC. It just seemed like an appropriate time and place for it.
For those of you who haven't seen it, here's the Children's Defense Fund's Cradle-to-Prison Pipeline report on Arizona. We should be expanding alternatives to prison for people with mental illness and low-risk offenders, not building new minimum security facilities. Then we might have something left to invest in our kids to keep them out of trouble in the first place.
Hello all,
We’ve held a public hearing, had a press conference, and met with the Secretary of State and Attorney General’s offices. We’ve gathered very compelling testimony and uncovered some damning evidence. We raised this issue in the press very successfully and educated a lot of people.
And, we just learned that the Department of Corrections is planning to re-issue the RFP for 5,000 new beds sometime in the next two months. Plus, there’s a bogus commission handpicked by the Governor that is set to release recommendations that the state further privatize its prisons (http://www.azdailysun.com/news/state-and-regional/article_e7f46863-e888-5ec9-96d4-5b6ea22a514f.html).
So, it’s time to gear up once again! The legislative session starts the second week of January, and we have much work to do.
We are holding a working group meeting for anyone who wants to get involved in our work to stop prison privatization in AZ. We will plan events and activities and we need lots of help!
So, please mark your calendar and tell a friend:
Monday, December 13 at 5:30
AFSC office, 103 N. Park Ave., Ste 111.
AFSC office, 103 N. Park Ave., Ste 111.
Our building is on the north west corner of Park Ave and 10th St., but the entrance to our suite is in the BACK of the building, NOT facing Park. Look for the big blue dumpster and follow the metal fence around the back (west side) of the building. Call if you need more directions: 623-9141.
Due to budget constraints, we ask our volunteers to please bring a snack or beverage to share.
Thanks, and see you next Monday!
Caroline Isaacs
Program Director,
American Friends Service Committee
Arizona Area Program
103 N. Park Ave., Suite 111
Tucson, AZ 85719
520.623.9141 p/520.623.5901
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